Ways To Improve Girls’ and Women’s Sexual Health…Part 1

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“Women’s rights are human rights”

Why Women’s health?…Well, there are lots of things to talk about when it gets to women but her health is more than important because it is the basis for every other thing to thrive including entire societies and economies.


“To improve women’s health we must treat specific health problems, but the conditions of women’s lives must also change so that we women can gain more power over our lives and our health. At the base of such social change is extending women’s capacity to be in charge of our own lives, to exercise our human rights.


We focus on women, therefore, because women’s experiences are different and under-studied, because societies need women to be healthy and fully engaged, because it is only fair that women have full equality in their societies. And we focus on women because understanding their unique challenges is a prerequisite to justice.”….Anne Firth Murray.


“Studies have shown that people who have grown up with accurate information about sex tend to be more likely to make responsible choices…”

Globally, the female face is increasing beoming the face of HIV/AIDS, and the way this dieases spreads is nothing short of a catastrophe. Both biologically and socially, women, particularly young women are at higher risk for HIV/AIDS.


The expanse of soft tissue in the bodies of women offers greater opportunity for the virus to thrive, and  the subordinate status of women  due to structural factors such as gender inequalities, GBV including trafficking, poverty, stigma and discrimination, takes away from them the power to negotiate in sexual encounters.


“The prevalence of HIV/AIDS reveals deeply ingrained inequalities in our societies…”

That adolescent women are the fastest growing group of people getting infected with HIV/AIDS around the world is quite a disaster and is beginning to be seen as such lately, at the highest levels. Even though the pandemic seems to be affecting people of all ages, HIV/AIDS is especially critical for adolescents, and especially girls.


“Lack of basic education and sexual knowledge also maintains the power imbalance between women and men”

AIDS thrives in regions with highest gender inequality, where women are unable to negotiate safe sex because of their conventional subordinate status.


“Without basic education, women have no hopes of pulling themselves out of poverty”

The virus affects young women who are already marginalized many times over by their gender, age, poverty and other structural factors.


In regions where women are unempowered, they are also tied bound by cultural expectations, and therefore, unable to protect themselves against the virus by refusing sex or insisting on the use of condoms by their partners.


“Knowledge is Power”

Sadly but true, poverty makes young girls and women particularly vulnerable as it limits the range of choices they have in their lives, particularly as they seek education for transition to paid employment.


To Be Continued in Part 2…Stay Tuned!


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