Ways To Improve Girls’ and Women’s Sexual Health…Part 4

Hey, you’re here?…Such a wonderful pleasure having you read through our blog post. We hope you do enjoy it, engage and drop your comments, if any, in the comment box below.

Happy reading!


“Women’s rights are human rights”

Yaaaaaaaaayyy!…Welcome back to the fourth and final part of the series – Girls’ and Women’s Sexual Health…Part 4. Hopefully, you walked along with us through Part 1, 2 and 3…and now, you’re here again to feed on Part 4. In the previous sections or parts of this series, we talked a lot about issues surrounding women’s health. Well, in this section, we’d be talking about solutions! We’d be laying great emphasis on how our organization aims to savage this menace…and, here we go!


Without wasting much time, the entire team is saying a huge “THANK YOU” for being a part of our journey up till this point. We are so grateful and look forward to having you around more often.


Once again, enjoy your reading!


“Health is Wealth”

In the face of the dangers and burdens surrounding women’s health, such as issues bordering on FGM, early marriage and childbirth, and HIV/AIDS in girls and young women; what really can be done?


Most of the steps taken involve addressing embedded problems that may seem overwhelming.


“The prevalence of HIV/AIDS reveals deeply ingrained inequalities in our societies…”

Through rigorous survey and research, we’ve found girls’ education comes as close as almost anything to being the key and vital intervention for improving girls’ and women’s health; lowering rates of HIV/AIDS, reducing teenage pregnancy, improving maternal health, reducing infant mortality, ending FGM and early child marriage, not to mention, improving economies.


“Lack of basic education and sexual knowledge also maintains the power imbalance between women and men”

Recognizing the effectiveness of girls’ education, not just as a human rights intervention, but also as a health intervention, our organization approaches girls’ and women’s sexual health through advocating for girls’ education, not just to meet these development goals, but also because that’s the fair and just thing to do!


“Without basic education, women have no hopes of pulling themselves out of poverty”

Through the lenses of human rights and social justice, our organization aims to improve equal access to education for the girl child through school efforts, non-formal educational projects and leveraging partnerships.


We also raise funds for free menstrual hygiene products to help marginalized girls stay in school and provide reproductive health education for adolescent mothers out of school.


In addition, we provide adolescent girls and young women with contraceptive information and counseling.


We believe that providing education and training can result in girls and young women having more choices about their lives and increase their self esteem, thereby, providing greater strength to resist violence and coercion.


“Knowledge is Power”

Well Well Well….You finally made it to the end of this series!


Congratulationssssss to you!!!


We’re glad you persevered till the end of this series and we’re hopeful you learnt so much. You could check out some of our other amazing posts by the team. You’ll enjoy them as much as you did this!


One more thing as usual… What are your thoughts about our post? Kindly, share them with us below!

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