What Are Safe Spaces?…Why Create Them?

Hey, you’re here?…Such a wonderful pleasure having you read through our blog post. We hope you do enjoy it, engage and drop your comments, if any, in the comment box below.

Happy reading!


“Problem shared is problem half-solved”

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.


I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!



“Never underestimate the role of peer support – don’t do that at all”

Whether you find yourself going through something similar or related and you’re eager to talk about all that has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t know how or where to do that, I advise you read on – however, it’s ideal to find a safe space or a community you can share your thoughts with. You don’t have to keep to yourself, you know…there’s a community out there willing to hear you out!

“Healing comes from within”

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy when we share our problems, experiences and learn from others.


It takes away a whole bunch of load off our backs…and the sweetest part of it is this – we develop trust and are supported by ‘strangers’ turned ‘family’. This, I guess will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from stuffs that hamper your mental health.


Again, keeping to yourself when you can spill it out is not worth it!


“Those most affected by problems can be the appropriate people to address and solve them”

So, let’s dive in straight away!


First and foremost, What exactly are safe spaces? Okayyy…Safe spaces are safe places mapped out for people who are going through similar problems or experiencing same challenges so they can come together and discuss vital topics that are important and peculiar to them in a setting that is confidential.


Usually, these safe spaces are supported by a trained facilitator, who helps members of the group develop trust among members, leads discussions pertaining to SRH and other related issues, and encourages a culture that promotes positive behaviours, including those specific to SRH.


“Young people are the key in the fight against AIDS”

Why creating safe spaces…specifically for adolescents and young people living with HIV?


Well, we take interest in doing that because safe spaces offer young people living with HIV the best environment for them to thrive, combat stigma, develop trust among members, lead discussions, find a support group they can rely on as well as gain access to sexual education and the services they need.


“Young people are important assets for the economic, political and social life of their communities”

More to it?…Yes, of course! Safe spaces enable young people living with HIV exercise and focus on their health, discuss, inform others, ask questions, share ideas and experiences, learn from each other, in addition to receiving counseling and support.


I know being in such a situation can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Connecting with the right network of people takes away a whole bunch of worries and depressive moments.


Wow…You made it to the end! What are your thoughts about our post? Kindly, share them with us below!

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